19 August 2022
January 5 Friday – At 21 Fifth Ave., N.Y. Sam wrote to Herbert Gunnison (1858-1932), publisher of the Brooklyn Eagle, declining an invitation (not extant) [Christie’s auction 24 May 2002, Lot 1, Sale 1083]. Note: Gunnison was an “avid collector who sought to obtain material from a variety of 19 century personalities in the political, military, religious and cultural spectrums. The collection contains approximately 2000 items” [Ibid].
Isabel Lyon’s journal: Jean is not well. Not only has her malady increased, but her whole physical condition is at low ebb, and the child calls for great waves of love from those of us who care. Last evening at the Volpe Concert Mrs. Gilder spoke of her beauty and her gracefulness, and it is true. In these last few days a sadness has settled over her, a gentleness that is pitiful, and you long for the masterful young creature whose powerful moods spread consternation, but always back of the moods there are an individuality, a frankness of a very high order.
Poultney Bigelow joined us a tea today after he had had a chat with Mr. Clemens. We talked Dublin, for he wants a good working place, and Mrs. Frothingham has offered him an acre. Such an impulsive man he is. He’d have to have a history. Temperaments like his are pretty apt to spring over conventionalities. I think they can’t help it [MTP TS 5-6; Hill 120 in part].
Sam wrote per Isabel Lyon to an unidentified man: “Dear Sir, / I thank you very much for the compliment of your invitation, but I am obliged to decline it as I have made all the engagements for this year that I can keep. / Sincerely Yours…” [MTP: Alexander Autographs auction, Nov. 16, 2002].
Ethel de Buriatte, a confessed stranger wrote to Sam, and related reading his description of a French duel, which she thought terribly funny, to a friend, who didn’t laugh. The friend confessed that her brother, age 9, used to write like that but his father “whipped it out of him” [MTP].
James Verner Long, American consul in Patios, Greece wrote sending Clemens “The Messenger of the Gods” with 70 birthday wishes. Long had “many pleasant memories” of times together in Florence, Italy [MTP]. Note: his stationery, US Consulate, Florence, left over.
Albert Bigelow Paine made an appointment with Isabel Lyon to see Sam on the following day about writing Twain’s biography [MTB 1262].
Isabel Lyon’s journal: Jean is not well. Not only has her malady increased, but her whole physical condition is at low ebb, and the child calls for great waves of love from those of us who care. Last evening at the Volpe Concert Mrs. Gilder spoke of her beauty and her gracefulness, and it is true. In these last few days a sadness has settled over her, a gentleness that is pitiful, and you long for the masterful young creature whose powerful moods spread consternation, but always back of the moods there are an individuality, a frankness of a very high order.
Poultney Bigelow joined us a tea today after he had had a chat with Mr. Clemens. We talked Dublin, for he wants a good working place, and Mrs. Frothingham has offered him an acre. Such an impulsive man he is. He’d have to have a history. Temperaments like his are pretty apt to spring over conventionalities. I think they can’t help it [MTP TS 5-6; Hill 120 in part].
Sam wrote per Isabel Lyon to an unidentified man: “Dear Sir, / I thank you very much for the compliment of your invitation, but I am obliged to decline it as I have made all the engagements for this year that I can keep. / Sincerely Yours…” [MTP: Alexander Autographs auction, Nov. 16, 2002].
Ethel de Buriatte, a confessed stranger wrote to Sam, and related reading his description of a French duel, which she thought terribly funny, to a friend, who didn’t laugh. The friend confessed that her brother, age 9, used to write like that but his father “whipped it out of him” [MTP].
James Verner Long, American consul in Patios, Greece wrote sending Clemens “The Messenger of the Gods” with 70 birthday wishes. Long had “many pleasant memories” of times together in Florence, Italy [MTP]. Note: his stationery, US Consulate, Florence, left over.
Albert Bigelow Paine made an appointment with Isabel Lyon to see Sam on the following day about writing Twain’s biography [MTB 1262].
Entry Date
Jan 05, 1906 - Fri