January 1906

January – In N.Y.C. Sam wrote an aphorism to The Printer’s Home: “Let us save the to- morrows for work. / Truly Yours / Mark Twain, / Jan./06” [MTP:Mac Donnell, No. 22, Item 123].

Sam also inscribed a printed bust portrait of himself to an unidentified person: “S.L. Clemens / Truly yours / Mark Twain / Jan.06” [MTP:Hamilton catalogs, Sept. 12, 1968, Item 88].

Sam also inscribed a photograph of himself to Klaus Kaempher in Berlin: “Truly Yours / Mark Twain / Jan./ 06” [MTP].

Sam also wrote another aphorism to Charles D. Reid (brother of Robert Reid): “Truth is the most valuable possession we have. Let us economise it. / Truly Yours / Mark Twain” [MTP]. Note: Victor Fischer of the MTP supplies that the inscription is in a first edtion of IA. see Robert Reid’s note below.

Isabel Lyon’s journal carried this on a loose paper at the beginning of 1906’s “Daily Reminder”: Tampering with the sentinel

Mr. Clemens said this of someone who tried to reach him through me. Mr. Clemens closed the matter & it is not my place to open it again [MTP TS 1].

Robert Reid wrote from NYC to Sam.

“My brother Charles D. Reid of Springfield, Mass. one of the best ever, but who is not rich like me! (in friends) spent of his brow-sweat to purchase this book on the strength of my … promise to get you to write a little word to him in it of what you think of it…forgive me!” [MTP]. Note: the book was IA.

American Journal of Theology published “Fresh Light on the Dark Continent,” by L. Call Barnes, p. 192-9. Tenney: “a review-article, discussing a number of books about Africa. On p. 198: ‘Several succinct statements of the case against the Congo State are available in this country. But the brochure which is likely to do the most popular execution is King Leopold’s Soliloquy, by Mark Twain. The great humorist never wielded his pen more pointedly in behalf of honesty and humanity. It is significant, too, that he puts added emphasis in his second edition, issued since the publication of the report of the king’s commission” [42].

Bookman (NY) published “The Story of Mark Twain’s Debts” by Frederick A. King, p. 519- 22; reprinted in June [Tenney 42].

Strand Magazine ran “Portraits of Celebrities at Different Ages—New Series. ‘Mark Twain’” p. 721-3, picturing Samuel Clemens at ages 18, 27, 33, 48, and 62. The identical article ran in the Dec. 1905 issue.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.