24 August 2022
March – Sam inscribed a copy of TS with an aphorism: “Let us save the to-morrows for work, Truly Yours Mark Twain, Mch/06” [MTP: City Book Auction catalogs 26 May 1945, Item 119].
Charles E. Dana wrote for the Contemporary Club in Phila. to invite Sam to their 20 anniversary dinner. They had chosen “American Humor” as the subject. Miss Agnes Repplier, (1855-1950) Philadelphia essayist known for her scholarship and humor, would give an address on the subject [MTP].
John Fretwell wrote to Sam enclosing a photo of himself dated Aug. 1902 and related being mistaken for Twain in several locations. On the photo envelope, Fretwell typed: “Port: of a man who in Kaltenleutgeben bei Wein, Louksor in Egypt, Birmingham, England, Boston, Mass. & New York, has been charged with crimes committed by Mark Twain, but in Each case succeed[ed] in proving an Alibi. /[picture] made in Zurich, Aug 1902” [MTP]. Note: photo of Fretwell in file; his moustache resembled Twain’s.
Charles E. Dana wrote for the Contemporary Club in Phila. to invite Sam to their 20 anniversary dinner. They had chosen “American Humor” as the subject. Miss Agnes Repplier, (1855-1950) Philadelphia essayist known for her scholarship and humor, would give an address on the subject [MTP].
John Fretwell wrote to Sam enclosing a photo of himself dated Aug. 1902 and related being mistaken for Twain in several locations. On the photo envelope, Fretwell typed: “Port: of a man who in Kaltenleutgeben bei Wein, Louksor in Egypt, Birmingham, England, Boston, Mass. & New York, has been charged with crimes committed by Mark Twain, but in Each case succeed[ed] in proving an Alibi. /[picture] made in Zurich, Aug 1902” [MTP]. Note: photo of Fretwell in file; his moustache resembled Twain’s.
Entry Date
Mar 01, 1906 - Thu