March 1906

March – Sam inscribed a copy of TS with an aphorism: “Let us save the to-morrows for work, Truly Yours Mark Twain, Mch/06” [MTP: City Book Auction catalogs 26 May 1945, Item 119].

Charles E. Dana wrote for the Contemporary Club in Phila. to invite Sam to their 20 anniversary dinner. They had chosen “American Humor” as the subject. Miss Agnes Repplier, (1855-1950) Philadelphia essayist known for her scholarship and humor, would give an address on the subject [MTP].

John Fretwell wrote to Sam enclosing a photo of himself dated Aug. 1902 and related being mistaken for Twain in several locations. On the photo envelope, Fretwell typed: “Port: of a  man who in Kaltenleutgeben bei Wein, Louksor in Egypt, Birmingham, England, Boston, Mass. & New York, has been charged with crimes committed by Mark Twain, but in Each case succeed[ed] in proving an Alibi. /[picture] made in Zurich, Aug 1902” [MTP]. Note: photo of Fretwell in file; his moustache resembled Twain’s.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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