January 19, 1906 Friday

January 19 Friday – Joe Twichell wrote to Sam.

I declare that the deeps penetrated and explored in much research as this of radium more affect me with the sense of sublimity than those discovered by the telescope. Really this would be an admirable sort of an universe if it wasn’t for the Human Race. Yet it’s the Human Race that has captured the knowledge both of the Light Year and of Radio-activity. Perhaps it will amount to something eventually. / Yrs Aff. / Joe [MTP].

Clemens’ A.D. for this day focused on dueling, including the famous ones at Virginia City between Joe Goodman and Tom Fitch, and the threatened one between Clemens and James L. Laird, owner of the Virginia Union. He also included a past unfinished chapter on dueling in Austria [AMT 1: 294-302].

Isabel Lyon’s journal:

Mr. Paine is a “find.” He is doing the very thing that I have longed to have some worshipping creature do with Mr. Clemens’s papers, letters, clippings and autobiographical matter. He is bringing the mass into order, reducing the great chaos that I have always longed to be able to touch but have never found time for [MTP TS 15].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.