June 1, 1874 Monday

June 1 Monday – From Charles E. Perkins’ cash book, Sam’s account: “To po Downie 270.00” [Berg collection, NYPL]. Note: possibly coachman Downey, fired on June 10.

June 18 Monday – In Elmira, Sam wrote to his mother, Jane Clemens about Orion’s latest with his in-laws.

Elmira, June!

Dear Mother:

This is Orion’s latest. Old father Stotts seems to have been a trifle sharp in his transactions. But the whole gang of them are pretty low-down stock. A body might as well marry into a gipsy camp as among such a scurvy lot as these.

We are up here on top of the hill, & the weather is a mixture of winter & summer, with the former predominating as yet.

Livy is first-rate, & Susie is strong, hearty, brimming with activity, & brown as an Indian with constant exposure to sun & wind.

We send love to you all.

Yr Son

Sam [MTPO, drop-in letters].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.