August 10, 1874 Monday 

August 10 Monday – J.J. Winthrop wrote from Phila. to criticize Sam for GA:

I have read it through—& what have you done? Instead of a choice slander on English manners & their infernal “I beg your pardon” &c, it is an unjust libel on the fairest government on which the sun ever shone (which is not saying too much) And who in heavens name is your “colleague” Some——who no one ever heard of whose name has been made illustrious by coupling it with yours,—& to what purpose To ruin your brilliant reputation There are in the book 3 good articles—for these I give you credit. There are 997 wretched infernal stupid idiotic ones for which I give the poor lunatic credit. The rest of the book was manufactured by a carpenter—or a chinee or worse.— / Respectfully your … [MTP]. Note: the writer’s fantods came from Clemens’ satirization of American political excesses.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.