September 21, 1874 Monday 

September 21 Monday – The New York Daily Graphic ran a cartoon of Twain as a frog even though it was for the opening of the play, The Gilded Age (renamed Colonel Sellers); see insert.

Sam wrote from Hartford to Orion, repeating the state of the house and making do in various rooms upstairs. “…the play went through without a hitch on the very first night,” Sam wrote. He also noted that “Gen. Belknap is helping me splendidly to get Sammy appointed to the Naval Academy” [MTL 6: 238]. Note: For all of Sam’s work and influence, Samuel Moffett never went to the Naval Academy, but studied at the University of California at Berkeley, and received BA, AM and PhD degrees from Columbia. Afterward he became a respected journalist. William W. Belknap (1829-1890) Secretary of War under Grant, and the only former cabinet secretary to be impeached. His crime was taking kickbacks.

Sam also telegraphed his sister, Pamela Moffett on Sammy’s appointment, which he felt was a done deal:

“I have pleasant letters from Secretary of war & Secy. of Navy—Sammy can begin his studies he will be appointed next year” [MTP, drop-in letters].

Sam also wrote to Mary Mason Fairbanks about the new house, and seeing her son Charley in New York. Significantly, Sam did not mention the Gilded Age play [MTL 6: 239].

Dr. John Brown replied to the Sept. 4 from Clemens, sent with photos:

My dear Friend

“They are good, & I told you so at once, didn’t I?” said I to myself when I got your plump letter & all the photos—I have been often thinking of you for it is now more than a year since I first saw the little woman in that stately bed—Thanks for all you write—& for the photos. Susie is still lovely—but growing I can see—You, in your Sanctum, are capital—I see the cigar in the left hand! & the pen ready to write when the big brain tells it—Thanks for telling me so much—

Let me know how the play went off & don’t ruin yourself with gorgeous furniture! We are all much as usual. I was for 14 days with the Barclays in the Highlands. John is there climbing mountains—My sister is at home—We are getting a new carpet for the drawing room—the present one being worn to the bone. I am drudging away at Doctoring, but meditating a new set of spare hours. Whats to be the name of the new book? How is Miss Hossack? get a large photo of Mater Pulchra—with her hair, au naturel, & a similar sized one of Mark himself looking ferociously [the rest of the letter is missing] [MTPO]

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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