October 18?, 1874 Sunday

October 18? Sunday  Livy and Sam wrote from Hartford to Olivia Lewis LangdonTwichell came by for Sam to go walking, and both Livy and Sam wrote of it. Sam took Susy in “her little carriage.” He wrote in the afternoon, after his walk while Livy was resting. “The customary Sunday assemblage of strangers is gathered together in the grounds discussing the house” [MTL 6: 259].

Also probably on this day, Livy and Sam wrote to Susan Crane. After a paragraph from Livy, Sam wrote:

Twichell came up here with me to luncheon after services, & I went back home with him & took Susie along in her little carriage. We have just got home again, middle of the afternoon & Livy has gone to rest & left the west balcony to me.

Susie is developing. Nine tenths of the time she is unimaginable sweetness & the other tenth she is a raging tempest, an unappeasable fury. Livy thinks the other baby [Clara] is going to be all gentleness. It does look like it. Susie now has a grace & beauty she never had before [MTP drop-in letters].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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