Submitted by scott on

November 10 Wednesday – Sam wrote from Hartford a receipt of $355.86 to Routledge & Sons for royalties up to June 30, 1875 for The Gilded Age. The book did not sell well in England [MTL 6: 586n4].

Sam also replied to the Nov. 6 of William A. Seaver. Sam had failed to show at a breakfast at the Union Club in New York, hosted by Seaver that morning, though he was thought to have accepted an invitation of Seaver’s on Nov. 6. Also invited were Bret Harte, John Hay, Brady (unidentified), and Samuel Cox.  

“I was careful to let you go on & provide my share of the meal, though, because I knew Hay would need it. The sort of belly he is sporting, these days, can’t be conducted on single rations, my boy” [MTL 6: 588]. Note: John Hay was a very thin man.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.