February 17, 1876 Thursday 

February 17 Thursday  Sam wrote from Hartford to Elisha Bliss asking that copies of his four books plus, Everybody’s Friend, Life Amongst the Modocs (by Joaquin Miller), My Captivity Amongst the Sioux (by Fanny Kelly), Beyond the Mississippi (by Richardson), The Secret Service: The Field Dungeon, and the Escape (by Richardson) be sent to Edward Hastings, librarian at the National Soldier’s Home in Elizabeth City County, Virginia [MTLE 1: 25]. Gribben adds Albert Deane Richardson’s The Secret Service, the Field, the Dungeon, and the Escape [577].

Sam also wrote to Edward Hastings, confirming his gift of books being sent.

Twichell, who had been in Brooklyn attending a grand council of ministers who were pondering a final verdict on Henry Ward Beecher’s guilt, rushed home with Edwin Pond Parker (1836-1925) pastor of the Second Church of Christ, Hartford, upon hearing of the passing of Horace Bushnell. Bushnell had been pastor of the North Congregational church in Hartford for many years until 1859, when due to extended poor health he resigned his pastorate. Thereafter he held no appointed office, but was a prolific author and occasionally preached. Bushnell was instrumental in the installation of Twichell as pastor when the Asylum Hill Congregational Church was built [Andrews 41].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.