April 18, 1876 Tuesday

April 18 Tuesday – The Hartford Courant announced:

Amateur Theatricals.

The “Loan of a Lover,” one of the plays to be performed by amateurs at Dramatic Hall on the 25th inst., has been in part rewritten by Mr. Clemens, who takes the character of Peter. The quaint simplicity of the honest Dutch farmer is well preserved, and at the same time the character is enlarged and enriched by unconscious witticisms; a great deal of humor is introduced in Mr. Clemens’s own style. The actors are all musical, and the songs which intersperse the play, are a strikingly interesting feature. [Note: Loan of a Lover was an old melodrama first performed as early as 1847].

Moncure Conway wrote a postcard to Sam; “Just recd. yr. telegram announcing delay on yr. side until Fall. All right. We shall come out here just so soon as we can get hold of the electroes of pictures which we are anxiously expecting…Shall notify you when pictures arrive—Everybody here frantic with curiosity, and threatening a mob if there be any delay.—Conway” [MTP].

Adam Miller & Co. Toronto, wrote to Sam, mentioning his letter of Feb. 5 (not extant) and offering to distribute his books [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env. “Answered NO”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.