July 24, 1876 Monday

July 24 Monday  Sam wrote from Elmira to Moncure Conway. He’d discovered where The Adventures of Tom Sawyer excerpts in the newspapers were originating from—Moncure’s marketing letters to a Cincinnati paper. Sam wrote that Charles Dudley Warner had just arrived back from a trip to Europe and had told Sam he’d read and greatly enjoyed it and that Conway was reading it to his congregation on Sundays! Sam inquired about rates paid to actors because he was “on terms with Raymond again” and wanted to arrange an English tour for him. Sam asked about getting Tom Sawyer dramatized in a stage play, for which he would pay Conway fifty pounds, and suggested possible promoters for it. Sam wrote that the Sellers play had cleared him $23,000 for the season [MTLE 1: 85-7].

Walter F. Brown wrote from Paris, France:

My dear Mr Clemens— / I have just received your check for £92.16.0 for which many thanks. I enclose receipted account in full. You may depend on me to see Mr. St. Gaudens probably today. / I will send the remaining drawings very shortly. With compliments of the ladies, I am yours truly… P.S. The three faulty drawings will be duly corrected [MTP]. Note: Brown was an artist who supplied Clemens with artwork for some of his books; see May 10, 1879 to Bliss.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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