September 2, 1876 Saturday

September 2 Saturday – Sherrard Clemens (1820-1880) wrote to Sam, clippings enclosed.

      Dear Sir: / I regret, very deeply, to see, that you have announced your adhesion to that inflated bladder, from the bowels of Sarah Burchard, Rutherford Burchard Hayes. You come, with myself, from Gregory Clemens, the regicide, who voted for the death of Charles and who was beheaded, disembolled, and drawn in a hurdle. It is good, for us, to have an ancestor, who escaped the ignominy of being hung. But, I would rather have, such an ancestor, than adhere, to such a pitiful ninnyhammer, as Hayes, who is the mere, representative, of wall street brokers, three ball men, Lombardy Jews, European Sioux, class legislation, special privileges to the few, and denial of equality of taxation, to the many—the most convenient pimp, of the bondholders and office holders, about 150 thousand people, against over 40.000.000.

      If you have any more opinions for newspaper scalpers, it might be well, for your literary reputation, if you, should keep them to yourself, unless you desire to be considered a “Political Innocent Abroad.” / Your relative, in nubibus, / Sherrard Clemens [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env. “From a Fool”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.