February 22, 1877 Thursday

February 22 Thursday  Sam wrote from Hartford, again to the editor of the New York World, with another lengthy diatribe against Charles C. Duncan. This letter ran on page five of the World for Feb. 25 [MTLE 2: 24-28].

Sam also wrote to Howells. After some political hurrahs for newly elected Rutherford B. Hayes, Sam dictated that Howells should (they often used the imperative with each other):

“…send postal to say you & the madam will be here 2d or 3d of March—do, now, please. The play is done. We [Sam & Harte] are plotting out another one” [MTLE 2: 29].

Note: Duckett makes the following observations concerning this letter:

“This letter fairly definitely sets the time of the open break between Mark Twain and Bret Harte as occurring within the eight-day period following Twain’s letter to Howells on February 22. Harte’s letter [See Mar. 1 entry] suggests that shortly after Mark wrote Howells that he and Harte were beginning a new play, Bret left Hartford for New York, where he received from Mark a letter which made him extremely angry” [134].

Sam also wrote two notes to John C. Meritt about the 40-cent check he’d received from Merritt to buy a toddy. Sam endorsed on the front of the check:

“Dr. This shall be religiously devoted to the purpose specified & I shall drink your health. S.L.C.”

Sam also wrote on the back of the check to Fanny Hesse, his secretary, to bank the check with Bissell and put it in his “personal” account [MTLE 2: 31].

L.J. Brillant wrote from Switzerland offering to translate The Adventures of Tom Sawyer into French [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env. “From French translator Neuchatil Switzerland”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.