Submitted by scott on

September 20 Monday – Sam packed a satchel and ordered a place in the sleeper car for by telephone, and prepared to leave the next morning for Buffalo and possibly Fredonia. He would visit family and the David Gray family. Six-year-old Clara came down with a very bad throat and the doctor was called. Sam canceled the trip [MTLE 5: 164].

Charles P. Clemes for The Gilsey House, NYC wrote to Clemens, having rec’d his of Sept 18. He confirmed Sam would have “2 double rooms adjoining with cots &c, &c.” [MTP].

Charles Dudley Warner wrote to Clemens. “Sue says I ought to write and tell you that every body here has the malaria—some shake, some shiver, some only look blue, but all have more or less fever” [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “ours is a city whose health is not good, & grows worse”

September 2024 Friday – In Elmira, Sam drafted a letter to the editor of the Hartford Courant that was probably not sent. Sam objected to the “bad sewerage & foul & stagnant water courses” in the city which led to a problem of malaria. He suggested the State House fly “a black flag with skull & cross-bones” to “sufficiently advertise this matter & yet be inexpensive” [MTLE 5: 163].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.