December 10, 1880 Friday

December 10 Friday – Sam’s sketch, “For Struggling Young Poets,” dated Nov. 17, 1880 ran in the Dec. 10 issue of the Buffalo Bazaar Bulletin [MTLE 5: 198-200]. It was reprinted in the Buffalo Express on Dec. 11 and in the Hartford Courant in an article titled, “Mark Twain’s Poem” on Dec. 13, p2. Excerpt:

Well, sir, once there was a young fellow who believed he was a poet; but the main difficulty with him was to get anybody else to believe it. Many and many a poet has split on that rock—if it is a rock. Many and many a poet will split on it yet, thank God.

Sam introduced Robert J. Burdette (1844-1914) of the Burlington Hawkeye at the Hartford Opera House. On page one of the Hartford Courant (Dec. 11): “Burdette’s Lecture”:

He was introduced by Mr. Clemens, in a few complimentary words, as one whose wit was without bitterness and whose much quoted paragraphs had a manly and honest ring…he spoke without notes, never inviting applause, and apparently hurrying over some of his wittiest points purposely.

In 1922, Clara B. Burdette, wife of Robert J. Burdette, edited a book titled Robert J. Burdette: His Message, in which Burdette recalled the stay at Sam’s home, probably the night before or after his Dec. 10 lecture at the Hartford Opera House:

“The pleasantest view I had of the city was from the cosy fireside in that wonderful home of Mr. S. L. Clemens, who was my host during my stay in Hartford.

      “I think I have never been in a home more beautifully home-like than this palace of the king of humorists” [135].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.