June 24, 1893 Saturday

June 24 Saturday – Sam’s notebook reveals the trip from Innsbruck to Munich:

Left at noon Saturday 24th & came in 4 hours to Munich through a lovely valley — bordered by lovely mountains & the swift Inn — the very dirtiest 1st class compartment in Europe. / Stopped at the Rheinischehof, a fine & expensive hotel, which is to have its electric light apparatus completed & working “next winter!” Pretty swift elevator, but with the old-fashioned rope propulsion. W.C.’s [water closets] of almost the most ancient pattern others of the newest [NB 33 TS 19].

The Clemens family left Innsbruck, Austria. Sam’s travel plans were to arrive in Munich, Germany by this day. Sam’s June 26 letter to Hall suggests they were delayed somewhat, as it was often Sam’s habit to write during the chaos of departures as well as to write upon arrival.

Mrs. Mary B. Willards School for American Girls in Berlin held a commencement [June 20 to Crane]. Note: Sam had planned for Clara to join them in Munich “a day or two” later, but wound up going to Berlin to retrieve her, possibly caused by the Clemens family’s delay in reaching Munich.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.