October 5, 1896

October 5 Monday – This is the likely day the Clemenses and Katy Leary took possession of a small house at 23 Tedworth Square, Chelsea, in southwest London. Sam’s Oct. 6 to Rogers states they were now “settled in a house.” They kept their address a secret, using Chatto & Windus for a return address and closing themselves off from nearly everyone. Sam’s Sept. 27 to Rogers said they would move into the house “in about a week,”; Oct. 4 would have been exactly one week, but a Sunday move was unlikely.

Edward M. Bunce (Ned) wrote a letter of condolence on Conn. Mutual Life Ins. letterhead of Susy’s passing. Ned spoke of Susy’s character, of her stay with them and of seeing her at the Warner’s; he also told of a last talk he had with her on the piazza there [MTP].

Sam wrote to Laurence Hutton:

I shall take the dedication as a very high compliment, & I thank you sincerely for it in advance. We are all so pleased with what you said about Joan [of Arc]. How it would have delighted Susy! For she took as personal an interest in that book as if she had written it herself, not merely inspired a part of it.

Sam related buying Harper’s Monthly in S. Africa and Australia until Livy found it lacked Hutton’s section, so she told him to order the home edition when they reached England. He’d neglected to do so but promised to order it “this moment.”

Keep Susy’s memory green — & her response to the pat of your hand upon her head; for she, like her sisters, always loved you. In the privacy of the family circle their name for you was always “Uncle Larry” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.