September 6, 1896

September 6 Sunday – In Guildford, England Sam responded to Laurence Hutton’s letter of condolence (not extant).

No, dear Laurence, there is nothing that you can do for me, I am hurt past help. In writing me a kind word you have done the best that any can do — you have paid reverent respect to my dead. That is the value of letters written in such circumstances — I realize it now. I have neglected them before, knowing they could heal no wounds, & not perceiving their true office; but from this time I shall not fail to write them.

      Your letter is from Onteora. The name has brought back many memories; & many pictures of those pleasant days — & Susy is in them all. But that is all gone by. I remember how she looked, as she stood inviting me from her side of the Hellespont, — I remember how satisfying to my eye she was, & with what spirit she sang. And that is all gone by, too. A wider Hellespont flows between us now.

Sam expected Livy and Clara on Wednesday:

Then I shall know how our incredible & unrealizable disaster came about. For the present I have only vague and incoherent knowledge of it.

      Jean’s letter tells me part. There are sentences in it, artlessly delivered, that fall upon me like blows; & others that wring my heart as it has not been wrung before.

Sam then related Susy’s last food, her last words, and the time of her death [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.