July 1, 1903

July 1 Wednesday – At 8:30 a.m. Sam, Livy, and her trained nurse, Miss Margaret Sherry, left the Riverdale house and went down the hill to get on a launch. From the launch to Rogers’ yacht Kanawha, then down river to the Lackawanna R.R. dock at Hoboken, the group made the 10 a.m. train for the long ride to Quarry Farm in Elmira. They arrived at 4:40 p.m. Clara and Jean were to follow them the first week in August. In his July 2 to the Huttons Sam described the trip, and put it to this day:

        we left yesterday. We carried Mrs. Clemens down the hill at 8.30 in the morning, at Riverdale; lifted her into the launch, hoisted launch & all on board Mr. Rogers’s yacht, out in the river; steamed down to the DL & W dock at Hoboken, carried the madam aboard the 10 a.m. train & came through to Elmira in the suffocating heat, arriving at 4.40; & drove away up here on the hill without delay, where all is repose & immense comfort. The RR trip was unmitigated hell, but the madam stood it well, for a person who has been bedridden nearly 11 months [MTP; July 11 to Picard].

Sam’s notebook gives this account: “The yacht sailed with us at 9 a.m., reached the D.L & W pier 9.45—Mr.

      Mrs. Rogers were on board. Refreshing sail But RR journey suffocating & awful. We got to the farm about p.m. Cool & pleasant there (here.) [vertically in right hand margin:] MacAlister, under this date refuses to accept those Founders shares. See Apr. 7” [NB 46 TS 20].

Howard Pyle sent his latest book, Rejected of Men; A Story of To-day (1903) and inscribed it: “To Samuel L. Clemens / with the best regards of the author / Howard Pyle / Chadd’s Ford / July 1st 1903” [Gribben 564]. Note: the book went to Riverdale; Sam responded from Elmira on July 8.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.