September 1903

September – At Quarry Farm in Elmira, N.Y. Sam gave daughter five bird and animial-related books.

He inscribed Olive Thorne Miller’s True Bird Stories from my Note-Books: “To / Jean Clemens / with her Father’s love / Sept. 1903. / It is never too late to mend. There’s plenty of time. / M.T.” [Christie’s Auction, June 24, 2009, Sale 2272. lot 16].

Sam also gave Jean the following each inscribed slightly different:

Frank Chapman’s Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America: “To Jean Clemens / with her Father’s love / Sept. 1903” [Gribben 139].

Sir Charles G.D. Roberts’s The Kindred of the Wild; A Book of Animal Life: “To Jean Clemens / from her Father / Sept. ’03” [Gribben 582].

Mrs. Mabel Wright’s Birdcraft: A Field Book of Two Hundred Song, Game, and Water Birds:

To Jean Clemens / with the love of / her Father / Sept. ‘03” [Gribben 788].

Mrs. Mabel Wright ’s Four-Footed Americans and Their Kin; inscribed from Sam to his daughter, not quoted by Gribben [ibid].

Mrs. Fanny Eckstorm’s The Woodpeckers (1901) [Gribben 211].

See also Nov. 18, 1902 entry for another similar book gift to Jean.

The September issue of The Pilgrim magazine ran a feature on Mark Twain, discussing his books and political stances. It ran an autographed photo of him dated Aug. 12, 1895 as well as a facsimile of his 1897 letter to Robert Barr [MTP; not in Tenney].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.