September 25 Sunday – Sam wrote from San Francisco to his mother, and sister Pamela that he had been in San Francisco:
“…only 4 months, yet we have changed our lodgings 5 times & our hotel twice. We are very comfortably fixed where we are now, & have no fault to find with the rooms or the people…But I need a change, & must move again.” It seems Sam’s itching wanderlust was nearly constant. He wrote of Steve Gillis’ impending marriage, his shorter hours, working 10 AM to 5 or 6 PM, writing for the Californian, a new literary paper, and his invitation to visit Mexico, which he could not accept due to his agreement to stand in as best man for Steve’s wedding (“funeral” is crossed out in front of “wedding”) [MTL 1: 312].
The following nine local articles in the Call are attributed to Sam: “The Monitor’s Progress,” “The Mint Troubles,” “The Fair at the Fair,” “Mortimer Again,” “A Professional Garroter Nabbed,” “Gilbert’s Museum,” “The Rioters,” “African Troubles,” and “Accomodating Witness” [Branch, C of Call 299-300].
September 25, 1864
31 October 2021
Entry Date
Sep 25, 1864 - Sun
Day By Day Acknowledgment
Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.