August 26 to September 7 – Sam had not intended to stay with the Langdons so long, but Charles had taken over the business in his father’s absence and could not go on to Cleveland with Sam until Jervis Langdon’s return. Sam did not want to visit Cleveland without his fellow “cub,” so spent days with Mrs. Langdon, Livy and their houseguest, cousin Hattie Lewis, while Charles finished his work. Hattie had a good sense of humor and would explain Sam’s jokes to Livy. Since Livy tired easily, they took leisurely carriage rides and strolls, played cribbage and sang around the piano. Sam was in for tough sledding at the Langdons—no drink stronger than cider and no smoking allowed [Sanborn 402].
August 26 to September 7, 1868
17 July 2022
Entry Date
Aug 26, 1868 - Wed
Day By Day Acknowledgment
Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.