September 24, 1868 Thursday

September 24 Thursday  Sam wrote from St. Louis to Mary Mason Fairbanks.

I shall start day after to-morrow (Saturday) at 8 A.M., which will bring me to Cleveland Sunday morning. Then I will leave Cleveland Monday morning. I have some idea of spending Tuesday in Elmira—will talk with you [MTL 2: 252].

Sam used Mary as a sounding board for his relationship with Livy. Mrs. Fairbanks had early on encouraged Sam to marry, and supported him to keep trying with Livy. Mary also had corresponded with Livy’s mother about Sam’s suitability. Without Mary’s influence, Sam and Livy may never have married. Sam told Mary of receiving a letter from Jervis Langdon, who had been “very low spirited when we saw him last.”

Sam also responded to Frank Fuller’s “six-line letter” (not extant): “I have made several appointments to preach,” which was how Sam often described his lectures.

“…I hope your Company is well, also. I like Odorless Rubber Companies. I like them because they don’t stink” [MTL 2: 254-5]. See also Aug. 15 entry for more “cundrums.” Sam’s note is a reply to Fuller’s “six-line letter” not extant.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.