August 2, 1904 Tuesday

August 2 Tuesday – Sam was in New York City, likely staying at the Grosvenor Hotel.

Otto Spengler for Argus Pressclipping Bureau sent a form letter to Sam, enclosing an article (not in the file) “certainly of interest to you,” and solicting they might serve him with others [MTP].

Amy S. Hutton wrote from Tyringham, Mass to Sam. She had heard of Jean’s accident. A trained nurse, she offered her services and a wish for a “speedy recovery” [MTP].

Langdon II wrote from Elmira to Sam, having read in the NY papers of Jean’s horseback accident, relieved that it was not reported serious. For legal reasons he reported that he and his father would both have to be appointed administrators of Livy’s estate, though he felt he had no more right to be that than a stranger. The petition for election to the position was to be made to the county. “…it will be necessary to state approximately the value of the personal property…10 DuVal, Florida bonds, $500 each…813 shares J.L. & Co.’s stock, estimated value $20 per share…57 shares Brooklyn Union Gas stock (with Miss Harrison) … Kindly let us know if here is any or other personal property of the nature stated above…” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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