August 8, 1904 Monday

August 8 Monday – In Lee, Mass. Sam sent the “TO WHOM THIS SHALL COME” note to Mary Elizabeth Phillips and added, “Miss Mary E. Phillips / Lee, Aug. 8” [MTP].

Sam also sent the “TO WHOM THIS SHALL COME” note to Elizabeth S. Wood and added, “Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Wood. Aug. 8” [MTP].

Joseph Gaylord Gessford replied to Sam’s Aug. 7. “affrontery” that he had merely asked for prices of the photographs as “a formality”: “I could no more afford to give you these pictures than you can afford to write books for free” [MTP; Madsen 68-9].

Houghton Mifflin & Co., Boston wrote to Sam that they “took pleasure” in sending him a complimentary copy of The Penobscot Man (1904), by Mrs. Fannie Hardy Eckstorm (1865-1946). “We believe that years ago you took a trip up Katahdin and down the West Branch with the same Lewey Ketchum, who figures in two of the stories. For this reason, if for no other, we trust you will find them of interest” [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote at the bottom, “Away indefinitely or would send thanks himself.” See Gribben 211.

Florence Wood (aka Mollie Morris, aka Mollie B. Shoot) wrote from NY to ask Sam if he had sold the dramatization rights to P&P. If not she would like to read the manuscript as she was looking for a play for her daughter. “I still treasure the photos of yourself & family, which you gave me years ago. I have felt the greatest sympathy with the trials & sorrow you have passed through. … Formally Mollie Shoot of Hannibal” [MTP]. Note: Wood was her stage name, Shoot her maiden name, Morris her married name. A note in the file refers the scholar to the subject file of Pavey, Jesse H. and Family.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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