May 27, 1902

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May 27 Tuesday – Sam left N.Y.C. on the N.Y. Central RR at 9:20 p.m. headed for St. Louis [May 23 to

James R. Clemens]. Note: according to his June 10 to James, it was a 30 hour trip from N.Y.C. to St. Louis, putting him in St. Louis at about 7:30 the morning of May 29. His NB entry gives 9.45 p.m. as departure time, with fare of $24.25 and a room $22; paid $46.25 [NB 45 TS 14].

Livy’s diary: “Sue [Crane] came in the evening: Mr Clemens went to Columbia, Missouri to receive a degree

January 20, 1902

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January 20 Monday – The Clemenses left Riverdale, N.Y. and traveled by train to Elmira, where they were met with sleighs by Charles J. and Ida Langdon; and then on to Quarry Farm outside of town. There, Sam began a letter to daughter Clara that Livy added to on Jan. 21.

October 21, 1901

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October 21 Monday – Sam’s notebook: “Professor Farnam. / Yale Leave Rev. Anson Phelps Stokes’s Mother. [inserted above:] Sec’y of Yale / 88 Trumbull St.” [NB 44 TS 15]. Note: Henry W. Farnam (1853-1933), professor of economics at Yale.

August 19, 1901

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August 19 Monday – The estimated date of the Kanawha’s arrival in N.Y.C. Sam’s Aug. 16 to Livy expressed hope that he would find a letter from her at the Grosvenor Hotel. He spent one night there and took a delayed trip back to Saranac Lake the next day, Aug. 20.

August 1, 1901

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August 1 Thursday – Sam left the family at Lake Saranac, N.Y. and traveled to N.Y.C. arriving late in the evening [July 31 to Rogers]. He took rooms on the first floor of the Grosvenor Hotel, and complained that “the bed was hard as Maryborough” [Aug. 2 to Livy].

Check #  Payee                           Amount  [Notes]

292         George VW Durquee  250.00     Saranac Cabin rent

December 24, 1900

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December 24 Monday – Sam’s notebook: “Lake wood? / With Harvey?” [NB 43 TS 32].

Sam’s note of Christmas wishes (catalogued: written sometime before Dec. 25) to an unidentified person appeared in the N.Y. Tribune on Jan. 25, 1901, p.8 [MTP].

At 10 a.m. the Clemenses left N.Y.C. for Elmira for Christmas. The trip occupied most of the day. They planned to stay until Dec. 29 [Dec. 22 to Gurlitz; Dec 23 to Whitmore].

October 7, 1900

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October 7 Sunday – The Clemens family was en route from London to New York on the SS Minnehaha.

Inserts: S.S. Minnehaha and its Upper Promenade deck (where Jean took walks for her health.)

July 2, 1900

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July 2 Monday – Sam’s notebook: “Drove out to Dollis Hill (4.35 to 5.10) in the rainstorm & took possession. It is certainly the dirtiest dwelling-house in Europe—perhaps in the universe. / Plasmon 12? / Goerz, 7.30” [NB 43 TS 20].

The Clemens family moved to the Dollis Hill House on the outskirts of N.W. London.

Sam gave a private reading, place and time unknown; he may or may not have stopped by John Y. MacAlister’s home [July 1 to MacAlister].

April 13, 1900

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April 13 Friday – The Clemens family were at Henry M. Stanley’s country place for a “few days’ visit”. They returned to 30 Wellington Court by Apr. 17 [Apr. 17 to James]. Note: on Jan. 10, 1899 the Stanley’s took possession of a house named “Furze Hill” in Pirbright, Surrey, some 30 miles from London [The Autobiography of Henry M. Stanley, p.507 (1909)].