November 27, 1896

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November 27 Friday – Livys 51st birthday. Sam wrote Livy a short note “With worlds of love” to her:

We have lost her, & our life is bitter. We may find her again — let us not despair of it. God knows how much poorer were by this loss than we were before; but we still have the others, & that is much; & also we have each other, my darling, & this is riches.

November 26, 1896

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November 26 Thursday – Thanksgiving – In London Sam wrote in his notebook:

We did not celebrate it. Seven years ago Susy gave her play for the first time [MTB 1027].

He also wrote to Emilie R. Rogers (Mrs. H.H. Rogers)  “For & in behalf of Helen Kellar…” (Sam was consistent in misspelling Helen Keller’s name.)

November 22, 1896

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November 22 Sunday – In London Sam wrote a letter of thanks to the junior Andrew Chatto for the bicycles he’d helped secure. He wrote that his daughters were “charmed with the machines” and the family thanked him. He asked the sum of what he owed for them so he might send a check [MTP].

November 20, 1896

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November 20 Friday – In London, Sam had received the Bliss-Harper contracts from H.H. Rogers and considered them for three hours before responding to Rogers.

The contracts clear my head.

November 18, 1896

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November 18 Wednesday – In London Sam wrote two short notes to Chatto & Windus. In the first he noted “The book has come. Many thanks,” and enclosed something he wished to “shove” into the material going to Harper’s, not revealing he’d written it. In the second note he changed his mind:

I think it better to suppress the squib I mailed you to-day. It is not worth the powder, & moreover I find that the position taken is not invulnerable [MTP].

November 17, 1896

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November 17 Tuesday – In London Sam wrote to Chatto & Windus that he’d finished the proofs, and wanted to send the proofs of the Bourget article to Harpers once they had been corrected and made ready for the press [MTP].

November 16, 1896

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November 16 Monday – Frank E. Bliss for American Publishing Co. wrote Sam that the copyright for IA “will not be legally ripe for renewal before Jan. 29th 1897.” The former copyright was taken out in the company’s name; this time it would be taken out in Sam’s name with quick assignment made to Livy to avoid complications from the bankruptcy. Bliss asked when the new book might be completed. [MTP]. Note: Sam asked Bliss to refer back to this letter on Jan.