June 30, 1897

June 30 WednesdaySam’s notebook: “Dinner, (7.30?) Skrine, Queen Anne’s Mansions Wednesday, 30th” [NB 41 TS 32]. Note: Sam confirmed Skrine dinner, but for July 1, back on June 26; the date was then changed.

From the Brooklyn Eagle, p. 6, an editorial response to Mark Twain refusing charity efforts to pay his indebtedness:

Mark Twain.

June 29, 1897

June 29 Tuesday – At 23 Tedworth Square in London, Sam wrote to Douglas Garth, either owner or property manager of the family’s rental flat. An extension beyond July 1 had evidently been requested and granted by Garth:

June 28, 1897

June 28 Monday – Sam likely stopped in the Lyceum Theatre in London to see Henry Irving [June 27 invite].

Sam’s notebook: “will send to Chatto parts 15-16-17-18 & 19 to be mailed home & the same in my MS to be kept for himself” [NB 41 TS 32].

June 27, 1897

June 27 SundayHenry Irving wrote to Sam, asking if he “had nothing better to do tomorrow evening it would be a delight if you could look in at the Lyceum” [MTP]. Note: no further evidence was found but no decline was either. Noting Twain’s regard for Irving, the likelihood is he did “look in.”

June 26, 1897

June 26 Saturday – At 23 Tedworth Square in London, Sam wrote a postcard to Chatto & Windus: “Please send for some more MS.—say 10 or 11 Monday.” Sam wanted them to send the entire typewritten lot of pages to H.H. Rogers [MTP].

June 25, 1897

June 25 FridayPercy Mitchell in the Paris, France office of the NY Herald, sent a telegram to Sam, which he mentioned in the following letter to Rogers: “Mr. Bennett says he has not received any letter from you if important will you not kindly repeat it to him as he says glad to do anything” [MTP]. Note: James Gordon Bennett, Jr., of the Herald.

June 24, 1897

June 24 Thursday – At 23 Tedworth Square in London, Sam wrote to James Gordon Bennett, Jr. in Paris, France, thinking that his letter of June 19 failed to reach him (he learned on June 25 that it had not; see letter that day to H.H. Rogers). Sam repeated his request to “close the subscription list” made for his relief [MTP].

June 22, 1897

June 22 Tuesday – In London Sam attended the grand procession of Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee. Paine writes of the date and of Sam’s accounts to the Hearst Syndicate:

June 21, 1897

June 21 MondayPercy Mitchell , in Paris, telegrammed: (“not aware anything had been cabled”); and wrote to Sam that James Gordon Bennett, Jr. had not returned from Paris, so Mitchell telegraphed Bennett a summary of “our conversation” Was there anything else Mitchell could do? [MTP]. Note—this about Sam trying to get the Herald fund canceled.

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