Iao Valley

Submitted by scott on

The Hawaiian god Kāne is considered to be the procreator and the provider of life. He is associated with wai (fresh water) as well as clouds, rain, streams, and springs. Kanaloa, the Hawaiian god of the underworld, is represented by the phallic stone of the Iao Needle.

Nine-Mile Ranch

Submitted by scott on

The Nine Mile Ranch may have held the name of Lone Star Stage prior to ranching operations in the 1800's. According to maps constructed by Holt in 1866 and published more recently in the Book Aurora Ghost City of the Dawn 1996. Evidence supports this theory as the presence of a stone hut remains on site today. Some historians have researched the ranch to have been owned by Captain John Nye, and place Sam Clemens himself here sometime in the late 1800's

Lake Tahoe

Submitted by scott on

"We had heard a world of talk about the marvellous beauty of Lake Tahoe, and finally curiosity drove us thither to see it. Three or four members of the Brigade had been there and located some timber lands on its shores and stored up a quantity of provisions in their camp. We strapped a couple of blankets on our shoulders and took an axe apiece and started—for we intended to take up a wood ranch or so ourselves and become wealthy. We were on foot. The reader will find it advantageous to go horseback. We were told that the distance was eleven miles.