July 10, 1900 Tuesday

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July 10 TuesdaySam’s notebook: “Dr. Haig, 7 Brook st (just around the corner.) / A.D. Provand, M.P. 2 Whitehall Court SW / The pocket-mine (or Frenchman’s Tunnel) in 1855. The 3 meet there again, aged 75) & strike it rich. But the girl, oh where is she? Chapparal quail” [NB 43 TS 21].

Will M. Clemens replied to Sam’s objections in his June 6 reply.

July 9, 1900 Monday

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July 9 MondaySam’s notebook: “Full board meeting 12. noon. To pass important resolution. / 38 Montpelier , S.W. / 21 Carleton H.T. — 3.” [NB 43 TS 21]. Note: square after “Montpelier” drawn in.

July 8, 1900 Sunday

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July 8 SundaySam’s notebook: “Ogilvie—the hospital ? in S.A. Explain why a dog carrying 10,000 fleas will break down if you add 5. / We have secured real estate in S.A. worth a portion of what it has cost” [NB 43 TS 21].

July 7, 1900 Saturday

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July 7 Saturday

Sam’s notebook: “Bram Stoker. Good morals, & how to get along without them. / Diffidence—& how to acquire it. Irving. / Savage Club—6. / How shall we divide up China? Stanley. /A. By giving it all to Russia under a “temporary lease,” like Port Arthur [NB 43 TS 21].

Sam inscribed the Menu for the Savage Club dinner to Mrs. John Y. MacAlister: “Punctuality is the thief of time / With kindest regards to Mrs. Mac Alister” [MTP]. Note: the menu bore a caricature of Mark Twain.

July 6, 1900 Friday

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July 6 FridaySam’s notebook: “Plasmon—important meeting—Duke st. noon. / Lady Seton, 8 pm. / Clandestine meeting of the Savage Club. / By rule, Chair not allowed to speak. It is a good rule, & I will not transgress it. CLOTHES. / I am a farmer now with hay & sheep” [NB 43 TS 20-21].

July 5, 1900 Thursday

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July 5 Thursday

Sam attended a reception for the US Minister to the Court of St. James, Joseph H. Choate. Later Clemens made a speech at the Hotel Cecil for the American Society. His letter of July 8 to Richard Watson Gilder lists this day’s activities:

July 1, 1900 Sunday

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July 1 Sunday – At 30 Wellington Court in London, Sam wrote a postcard to John Y. MacAlister that he could not go to the Savage Club on the 8th. He would try to come by the next day but he might fail to do so as they were about to move and he had to “do a private reading in the afternoon” [MTP].

June 30, 1900 Saturday

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June 30 SaturdaySam’s notebook: “Edgerton-Castle, 2. Sloane Gardens (49) / To-day or / In A. Goerz & Co: 60 Roodepoort Cent. Dp” [NB 43 TS 19]. Note: Egerton. The Roodepoort address was S. Africa.

Rogers office sent Sam a statement showing $44,445.70 to his credit [1900 Financial file MTP].