Day by Day entries are from Mark Twain, Day By Day, four volumes of books compiled by David Fears and made available on-line by the Center for Mark Twain Studies.  The entries presented here are from conversions of the PDFs provided by the Center for Mark Twain Studies and are subject to the vagaries of that process.    The PDFs, themselves, have problems with formatting and some difficulties with indexing for searching.  These are the inevitable problems resulting from converting a printed book into PDFs.  Consequently, what is provided here are copies of copies.  

I have made attempts at providing a time-line for Twain's Geography and have been dissatisfied with the results.  Fears' work provides a comprehensive solution to that problem.  Each entry from the books is titled with the full date of the entry, solving a major problem I have with the On-line site - what year is the entry for.  The entries are certainly not perfect reproductions from Fears' books, however.  Converting PDFs to text frequently results in characters, and sometimes entire sections of text,  relocating.  In the later case I have tried to amend the problem where it occurs but more often than not the relocated characters are simply omitted.  Also, I cannot vouch for the paragraph structure.  Correcting these problems would require access to the printed copies of Fears' books.  Alas, but this is beyond my reach.

This page allows the reader to search for entries based on a range of dates.  The entries are also accessible from each of the primary sections (Epochs, Episodes and Chapters) of Twain's Geography.  

Entry Date (field_entry_date)

November 30, 1908 Monday

Submitted by scott on

November 30 Monday  – Sam’s 73rd Birthday. The New York Times, Dec. 1, p.1 “Mark Twain is 73.” announced that Sam passed his birthday “quietly at his home…As was his custom, Mr. Clemens took his morning ride, passing the remainder of the day with his household.”

In Redding, Conn. Sam wrote to daughter Jean   in Berlin, Germany.

December 1908

Submitted by scott on

December – Cooley writes of the decline of the Aquarium Club, something notable in less correspondence beginning this month:  

December 2, 1908 Wednesday

Submitted by scott on

December 2 Wednesday – Sam, Isabel Lyon and “other members of his household” went to a matinee performance of the musical comedy Little Nemo by Harry Bache Smith (1860-1936) at the New Amsterdam Theatre in NYC  See insert advertisement; IVL below:

December 13, 1908 Sunday

Submitted by scott on

December 13 Sunday – Isabel Lyon’s journal:  “Mr. Starr & Mr. Watson came for luncheon today, & Mrs. Starr made some colored photographs of the King & Margaret” [MTP: IVL TS 83]. Note: see Starr’s account of this trip Nov. 29 entry.

December 15, 1908 Tuesday 

Submitted by scott on

December 15 Tuesday – Clara Apfel, who was about to prepare a paper for the Chicago Women’s Club wrote to ask “something new”—“Possibly what you personally think of ‘Women’s’ clubs” or some little incident” in his life [MTP]. Note: “Ans Dec 23 MLH”