• July 31, 1893 Monday

    Submitted by scott on

    July 31 MondayFrederick J. Hall wrote to Sam that “the crisis has come and I hope that we have successfully passed it.” The Mount Morris Bank “met with some very heavy losses through one or two large failures and for that reason had to call in their discounts. They refuse to renew our discounts and even Mr. Whitford’s influence was useless.” Charles J.

  • August 1893

    Submitted by scott on

    August – Sometime during the family stay at Krankenheil-Tölz, Germany (they left Aug. 21) Sam inscribed a copy of £1,000,000 Bank Note & Other Stories to: Mrs. von Hillern:

    To / Frau von Hillern — / from one who has read with pleasure & profoundly admires “Geier-Wally” — / Mark Twain / Krankenheil-Tölz / August, 1893.(Now I’ve gone and left the “Die” out! But I was born careless [ two german words not legible] SLC. ~

  • August 5, 1893 Saturday

    Submitted by scott on

    August 5 Saturday – In Krankenheil-Tölz, Germany, Sam wrote a short note to Chatto & Windus, his English publisher, asking that a copy of P&P be sent to Kurhotel in Krankenheil-Tölz, and reminding them of a request for a six-month subscription to the London Daily News, which had not arrived as yet [MTP].

  • August 6, 1893 Sunday

    Submitted by scott on

    August 6 Sunday – In Krankenheil-Tölz, Germany Sam wrote to Frederick J. Hall. He apologized for asking for monthly reports when Hall was under such pressure — just send two items, the cash liabilities and assets, which would be enough to “perceive the condition of the business at a glance.” Sam expressed appreciation for the “tempest” Hall was going through, though Sam never saw newspapers there.

  • August 7, 1893 Monday

    Submitted by scott on

    August 7 MondayFrederick J. Hall wrote to Sam approving the Cosmopolitan deal.

    …it is going to be …absolutely impossible for us to send you money with any regularity [MTLTP 352n4].

  • August 1, 1893 Tuesday

    Submitted by scott on

    August 1 Tuesday – In Krankenheil-Tölz, Germany Sam wrote to Poultney Bigelow, author and one of his dinner companions in Berlin. Webster and Co. published two of Bigelow’s books in 1892: The German Emperor and His Eastern Neighbors, and Paddles and Politics Down the Danube. Sam responded to an invitation from Bigelow (not extant) but evidently they were more widely separated by geography than he’d previously thought, so he had to decline as he didn’t want to leave Livy alone overnight.

  • August 9, 1893 Wednesday

    Submitted by scott on

    August 9 Wednesday – In Krankenheil-Tölz, Germany Sam wrote to Frederick J. Hall.

    Won’t you have the enclosed brief Romance [“Esquimau Maiden’s Romance”] very very carefully type-written (you carefully correcting it afterward yourself)?

  • August 11, 1893 Friday

    Submitted by scott on

    August 11 Friday – In Krankenheil-Tölz, Germany, Livy wrote to Mary C. Shipman (Mrs. Nathaniel Shipman), and Sam “smuggled” in a paragraph at the end. Livy thanked Mary for a visit from Mary’s children, and had just received a letter from Mary’s older son, Frank Shipman. She thanked her for the letter and regretted they could not have seen more of the children, and remarked how meeting home people abroad did away with “preliminaries.”

  • August 12, 1893 Saturday

    Submitted by scott on

    August 12 SaturdayCritic magazine XX, p.111 ran “Stockton on Mark Twain,” an unsigned article [Tenney 21].

    Sam’s notebook: “Ordered of Neighbor, Aix-l.-B, 1 evening dress; 1 morning, dark-gray; 1 ½ dress coat. Will tell him where to send them” [NB 33 TS 25].

  • August 14, 1893 Monday

    Submitted by scott on

    August 14 Monday – In Krankenheil-Tölz, Germany, Sam wrote William Walter Phelps and entered the fact in his notebook. The letter is not extant:

    Aug. 14 Wrote Brer P. shall want him to sit down & talk early-history & let me make notes & ask questions there or in N.Y., I to sail 10 days hence if cholera news does not augment [NB 33 TS 25].

  • August 15, 1893 Tuesday

    Submitted by scott on

    August 15 TuesdayChatto & Windus wrote to Sam. The first part of the letter is a record of Sam’s account with the firm; recent sales of all books yielding £734.9.4; an Italian translation of P&P is mentioned, and the firm was on “tip-toe” expecting a new story [MTP].

  • August 16, 1893 Wednesday

    Submitted by scott on

    August 16 Wednesday – In Krankenheil-Tölz, Germany, Sam finished his Aug. 14 to Frederick J. Hall:

    Aug. 16. I have thought, and thought, but I don’t seem to arrive at any very definite place. Of course you will not have an instant’s safety until the bank debts are paid….I am coming over, just as soon as I can get the family moved and settled. SLC.

  • August 18, 1893 Friday

    Submitted by scott on

    August 18 Friday – In Krankenheil-Tölz, Germany Sam wrote to Chatto & Windus, who had sent money. After praising them he advised of his travel plans.

    I sail from Bremen in the “Spree” Aug. 29, & shall expect to be gone some little time; but I take one of the daughters [Clara] along for company.

    I mailed the new book [PW] to New York Aug. 9, & shall expect it to appear serially. I hope you will admire it when you come to put a back on it in your London bindery [MTP].

  • August 20, 1893 Sunday

    Submitted by scott on

    August 20 Sunday – In Krankenheil-Tölz, Germany Sam wrote to Susan Crane.

    Sue, dear, we are packing, to leave here tomorrow (Monday), leave Munich Wednesday [Aug 23] morning & arrive at Franzensbad in afternoon.

    Clara & I will leave there for Bremen Saturday or Sunday next [Aug. 26 or 27]. We sail Tuesday 29th. We ought to arrive in New York about the 7th September, as the Spree is a good boat.

  • August 21, 1893 Monday

    Submitted by scott on

    August 21 Monday – The Clemens family left Krankenheil-Tölz, for Munich [Aug. 20 to Crane]. Sam’s notebook:

    We leave Kurhotel, Krankenheil-Tölz, Bavaria, Monday Aug 21, ’93 via Munich for Franzensbad, Bohemia, (Unberufen) after 37 days Aufenthalt [NB 33 TS 29].

  • August 23, 1893 Wednesday

    Submitted by scott on

    August 23 Wednesday – The Clemens family left Munich and arrived in Franzensbad, where Susy had been taking therapy and gorging herself, trying to build herself up to meet her voice instructor’s commands. The family stayed at the Kaiserhaus Hotel in Franzensbad [Aug. 20 to Crane; Aug. 28 to Livy].
