January 2, 1902 Thursday

January 2 Thursday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Horace N. Allen, American Minister to Korea:

“It is a beautiful box, & I cannot tell you how much I prize it and thank you for it.

With my kindest regards to you & the boys…” [MTP].

Sam also wrote to H.H. Rogers.

Jaccaci, of McClure’s came up yesterday, and said Miss Tarbell would be only too glad to have both sides, and I told him she could have free access to the Standard Oil’s archives.

I paid a New Year call at your house yesterday, but found only one little chappy on deck [MTHHR 480]. Note: August F. Jaccaci, Art director. Sam was facilitating an interview between Ida M. Tarbell, who was writing a history of Std. Oil, and H.H. Rogers. Rogers wanted to make certain Tarbell’s treatment, which was to be first published in McClure’s Magazine, was accurate. See Dec. 26, 1901 from Rogers.

In N.Y.C. William Dean Howells wrote to Sam

I was glad to hear over the phone that Mrs. Clemens was much better, and Jean was getting well. That is starting this fool young year something like.

Before this I had not dared remind you of the lunch next Thursday at Moretti’s, 151 West 34th street— one o’clock. I hope now you will be able to come. Thomas, the dramatist, whom you like, will be there; Crowninshield, the mural painter, and a mighty good gabber; Jim Ford, who wrote “Literary Shop,” Frank Millet, Janvier, Garland, and two or three others, besides Harland. He is the author of “The Cardinal’s Snuff Box,” and other lively books, and was a nice boy when he lived here 12 years ago. Likewise a gabber. From this distance the time looks promising [MTHL 2: 735-6].

Notes: Thomas the dramatist was Augustus Thomas (1857-1934); he was among ten writers whom Sam nominated for membership in the American Academy of Arts in 1905. Frederic Crowninshield (1845-1918), American artist and author; James L. Ford, author; Francis D. Millet (see Vol. I entries), Thomas A. Janvier (1849-1913), author and historian; Hannibal Hamlin Garland (1860-1940), novelist, essayist, poet; and Henry Harland (1861-1905), novelist and editor— “were all younger friends of Howells who shared his taste for Moretti’s cooking” [n1]. No evidence for Sam attending was found. Sam’s Jan. 3 reply reveals Howells enclosed a letter from Thomas Bailey Aldrich for Sam to read and return.

Frances T. Morgan (Mrs. J. Pierpont Morgan) wrote to Sam asking if he “would begin with a short reading of some things of your own for twenty minutes to half an hour” at the Waldorf on Thursday, Jan. 21 to benefit the “Summer Rest”—a “place where self-supporting gentlewomen can get a vacation at moderate prices” [MTP].

Harper & Brothers sent Sam a statement with this date showing $5.29 for “Merchandise,” likely 3 or more books at this total [1902 Financials file MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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