May 17, 1902 Saturday

May 17 Saturday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to H.H. Rogers, enclosing a letter from Thomas B. Reed to the Rev. M.M.J. Cooper, Rector of St. Christopher’s, Rum Cay, Bahamas. The letter announced a donation of a church organ by Reed.

I believe the enclosed is calculated to deceive. If it has that luck it will load that island onto Tom Reed for one while. His free-handled purse will be in for many an assault; & as for his name, it will be given to all the male babies for a generation or so to come. If he lives up to his opportunities, Rum Cay will disappear from the charts by & by, & “Tom Reed’s Sand-Pile” will take its place [MTHHR 487-8].

Livy’s diary: “Annie Trumbull & Archie Welch came about tea time: Archie returned to Hartford on Sunday, Annie remained until Monday. We had in for dinner Saturday evening Mr & Mrs Perkins & Mr & Mrs Delafield: time added to Archie & Annie, Mr Clemens & me made 8 for dinner” [MTP: DV161]. Note: Archibald A. Welch, president of Phoenix Mutual Ins. Co., Hartford. Mr. & Mrs. George Walbridge Perkins, Sr.; Mr. & Mrs. Richard Delafield.

Franklin G. Whitmore wrote to Sam, sorry for and explaining the delay of sending a sketch of the replacement mantel for the Farmington Ave. home, as requested. He revealed it was state senator Henry Roberts who had made the offer of $35,000; Roberts and wife had been impressed with the property when they inspected it the week before. Roberts understood the mantel was being removed; it could be done at once and replaced easily; Whitmore had not heard back from the Roberts who wanted to “think it over” [MTP].

Miss Annie E. Trumbull of Hartford stayed the weekend with the Clemenses [Gribben 715: Livy’s Diary, DV161 MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.