From Jericho to the Ford of Jordan

The plain of Jericho presents several points of interest; but those who intend making the journey from Jericho to the ford of Jordan, the Dead Sea, and Mâr Sâbâ in a single day will have little time for digressions.

The direct carriage-road to the famous Ford of Jordan leads to the E.S.E. among low bushes. Immediately beyond the tower at Jericho we cross the Wâdi el-Kelt, and in 20 min. we reach the Tell Umm Gheifer, with ruins and cisterns. In 25 min. more the road forks, the right branch leading direct to the (40 min.) Dead Sea. Following the left branch, we reach (10 min.) the ruins of Kasr Hajleh, corresponding to the ancient Beth Hogla, which lay on the frontier between Judah and Benjamin (Josh. xv. 6). Here is a large monastery of St. Gerasimos (also called by the natives Dêr Mâr Yuhannâ Hajleh), recently built on the ruins of an old monastery. Traces of frescoes of the 12th and 13th cent, and some beautiful ancient mosaics are preserved. About 10 min. to the E.N.E. of the monastery lies the lukewarm 'Ain Hajleh, with the convent-garden. In 33 min. from this point we arrive at the ancient bathing-place of the pilgrims to the Jordan, now once more used.

There is no mention of the pilgrims visiting Gilgal but Bædeker notes:

By making a slight digression to the N. from the road we reach (25 min. from Jericho) the Khirbet el-Etleh, beside a large square pool (according to some, the ancient Gilgal), and (20 min.) the Tell Jeljul, an ancient cromlech to the N. of the Wadi el-Kelt, probably the ancient Gilgal, to the E. of Jericho.

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