December 9 Tuesday – Sam’s notebook: “Jean fainted again. Are these a result of the fall on the ice?” [NB 45 TS 34].
In Riverdale, N.Y. Isabel V. Lyon wrote for Sam to Franklin G. Whitmore.
“Mr. Clemens bids me send the enclosed check for one hundred dollars, to further say there is no special word except the very good one that Mrs.Clemens is getting on very nicely; each day sees a little improvement, which I know will make Mrs. Whitmore and you very happy” [MTP].
Stickley wrote from Baltimore to Mark Twain, in care of the Baltimore Morning Herald.
Some people think you are immortal but if you really ever do intend to die it is certainly your duty to go to Hell. Funny men are needed there but they are very small potatoes up in Heaven. You have always preached philanthropy and now you have the chance of a life-time to demonstrate your consistency [MTP]. Note: Sam added a line and forwarded this on to Louise M. Still, Harper’s Bazar staff on Dec. 11.