"When he came to move Olivia from York Harbor to Riverdale on October 15, Clemens fretted about the method of transportation: asking for the Kanawha, then canceling the yacht and deciding on a train, arranging for a special car and special engines."
Back to Riverdale DBD
October 15 Wednesday – The Clemens family and Sue Crane left York Harbor, Maine about 9 a.m. utilizing an “invalid car.” They rode to a point south of Boston, then on to N.Y.C., arriving at 5:40 p.m. 20 minutes more brought them by special engine to Riverdale, N.Y. at about 7 p.m. [Oct. 16 to Hutton; Oct. 16 Jean Clemens to Sewell; Oct. 19 to Crane]. Sam thought Livy arrived in “pretty good physical condition” [Oct 18 to MacAlister].
October 16 Thursday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam’s notebook: “Yesterday [Oct. 15] we left York in a special invalid car at 8.45 & came through to Riverdale without delay or change in 9 ½ hours. Special locomotive at both ends. Cost, $339 ” [NB 45 TS 31].
Sam replied to an invitation by Laurence Hutton, in Princeton, N.J.
Yes, if you are sure you can provide cap, gown & hood for me, I will leave mine at home & save baggage-space. But mind, I shall depend on you.
October 17 Friday – Sam’s notebook : “Signed for 250 shares ($25,000) in the American Plasmon Co at 110-122 Broad st. I had previously paid in $5,000, which was the first call. Mr. Wright was there & Mr. Butters came pretty soon” [NB 45 TS 31]. Note: Howard E. Wright then President of the American branch, would later resign under a cloud of fraud. Henry A. Butters, an officer in the co.
October 18 Saturday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Edward W. Bok. “I wish I could, but I can’t, as I am barred by existing contracts” [MTP].
Sam also wrote to John Y. MacAlister.
October 19 Sunday – On this day (or the same date in 1901; see entry) Sam wrote a letter to an unidentified publisher: “…your printers need watching; they take some very large liberties with my spelling and punctuation,” etc. [MTP: Anderson Auction Co. catalogs Feb. 5, Item 90].
Sam also wrote to Susan Crane who had traveled with the family when Livy was returned to Riverdale on Oct. 15.
October 20 Monday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam sent a telegram to Richard H. Jesse, President of the University of Mo. “I go to Princeton if you have any message authorize me & I will deliver it. S.L. Clemens” [MTP].
Sam also wrote to Franklin G. Whitmore. “You may sell that Jewell Pin Co. stock. It is in the Safety Deposit, I suppose. It isn’t here. Mrs. Clemens is getting along about as usual. It will be a long siege, the doctor says” [MTP].
October 21 Tuesday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote a postcard to Franklin G. Whitmore, who had replied the Capt. Stormfield MS was not in the safe:
If it is gone from the safe, where can it be? In the drawers under the pigeon-holes in the billiard-room? I read it aloud in the billiard room to two friends in 1891 a few days before we sailed. I have not had it in my hands since.
However, it must be in the safe if still in existence. That is where I kept it so many years [MTP].
October 22 Wednesday – Michael P. O’Kelley replied from NY to Sam’s “joke letter” which asked for old bonds and bills from the US Treasury for fuel:
October 23 Thursday – At 10 a.m. in Riverdale, N.Y. Sam fired the second nurse, Margaret Garrety, and installed a new nurse at 11 a.m. [NB 45 TS 32]. Note: See NB entry Oct. 31 about Garrety.
Sam wrote of the nurses and Livy’s condition to James R. Clemens in St. Louis.
October 24 Friday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to John White Alexander to decline the same dinner that he declined to Chauncey Depew on Oct. 23 [MTP].
Sam also wrote to Samuel E. Moffett in Mt. Vernon, N.Y. “I am just leaving for Princeton, but stop to say she is getting along pretty well, but will be bedridden some months” [MTP].
Sam’s notebook: “Go to Princeton this afternoon. The inaugural is tomorrow in the morning at 11. Take boat leaving W. 23d at 3.55 / Must carry or express my cap, gown & hood. (See Oct. 14)” [NB 45 TS 32].
October 25 Saturday – In Princeton, N.J.: Sam’s notebook: “Guest over Sunday of Hutton—Princeton.
Inauguration of Pres. Woodrow Wilson. / Speeches by him, ex-Pres. Patton, Grover Cleveland & President Roosevelt.
No other speeches. / Stedman & Tyler (?) guests, too / [Horiz. Line separator] / Be in Murray Hall in full academic costume at 10.15 a.m.” [NB 45 TS 32].
October 26 Sunday – Sam left Princeton, N.J.. and returned home to Riverdale, N.Y. [NB 45 TS 32].
Sam’s notebook: “Look out & pay ‘Village of Tarrytown’ c/o John W. Free, Collector, $588.02. (Bill in Livy’s desk)” [NB 45 TS 32]. Note: property taxes on Tarrytown house.
Muriel M. Pears, “the Member for Scotland,” wrote a rather long and rambling “chatty” letter to Sam about her recent travels and thoughts, along with “Notes for the Club” (Sam’s Juggernaut) [MTP].
October 27 Monday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Poultney Bigelow.
All success to your formidable venture! My German rights are handled exclusively by Chatto, and he always sells the books to Robt. Lutz of Stuttgart for publication in the German tongue, but I should think he might let you have them first for serial publication if you don’t mind asking the said Chatto. By George! I wonder where you will turn up next! [MTP]. Note: Sam gave a brief note of Livy’s illness.
October 28 Tuesday – In Riverdale, N.Y., Livy was well enough to sit outdoors for an hour without any negative consequences [Crane to Sewall Oct. 31].
Sam’s notebook: “3.30, Theodore Stanton” [NB 45 TS 32]. Note: Theodore Weld Stanton, son of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, suffragist. See Nov. 17, 1901; Stanton had tried to locate Sam’s “Napoleon” mountain in France.
October 29 Wednesday – J. Smither Jackson wrote from Surrey, England to Sam, asking for a few details about Mark Twain’s works: date of the first book published; total number published; which has had the longest circulation; did any of them concern Sam’s personal travels? Which did he consider his finest work; and where could he obtain a “good cabinet portrait of” Twain? [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env. “A curiosity / No Answer.”
October 30 Thursday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote a postcard to the North American Review that he had mailed all three installments of “Christian Science” [MTP]. Note: he also noted it below:
October 31 Friday – In Riverdale, N.Y.: Sam’s notebook: “(See Sept. 28.) Jean’s last faint was July 31—92 days without an attack: 13 weeks. (See Oct. 9. also.) ” [NB 45 TS 32].
Sam wrote to Joe Twichell.
November – Critic ran a brief review of “A Double-Barrelled Detective Story” on p.479. In full:
November 1 Saturday – In Riverdale, N.Y.: Sam’s notebook: “Miss Lyon came. / A reading in private house for Mrs. Bartholomew’s charity. / The Duel. Watermelon / Old Ram. Ornithorhyncus. / Mex. Plug. Russ. Passport. / Xms. Whistling. Golden Arm” [NB 45 TS 33]. Note: this is the reading canceled on May 1, 1902. Evidently he gave another reading for this charity on Dec. 20.
November 2 Sunday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Edward W. Ordway, secretary of the Anti-Imperialist League: “Although I cannot do any of the work myself, I shall be mighty glad to advise others what to do; therefore, accidents not preventing, I shall be at 501 at 4 p.m.” Nov. 13th” [MTP].
Sam also wrote to commiserate with Sir Thomas Wardle on the loss of his wife, Lady Wardle:
November 3 Monday – Sam’s notebook: “Rehearsal, 10.30 a.m. carry play & check for house money. Tailor, Emery, 246 – 5th ave. ” [NB 45 TS 33]. Note: The play rehearsal was Lee Arthur’s HF, arranged by Dillingham; see Nov. 7 NB and prior entries. The 1900 Biographical directory of the state of New York lists Edwin W. Emery, Tailor at that address in N.Y.C.
November 4 Tuesday – An account told by Norman Hapgood in his 1930 The Changing Years, has been pinned to a period Nov. 4 to 10, 1902, by the NY Sun of Nov. 5, 1902, p.9, “Eleonora Duse Here Again,” and by other New York newspapers, including: See insert ad, Friday Nov. 9, 1902. Hapgood writes:
November 5 Wednesday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote two notes (one per Isabel Lyon) to Franklin G. Whitmore, both about plans to come and view the HF play by Lee Arthur at Parson’s Theatre in Hartford; and the guests he wished to be there [MTP]. Note: Livy’s worsening condition prevented him from making the trip—see Nov. 9 to Whitmore.
November 6 Thursday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Eleanor V. Hutton (Mrs. Laurence Hutton).