Route 7. From Jerusalem to Jericho, the Ford of Jordan, the Dead Sea, and back to Jerusalem viá Már Sâbâ

Riders from Jerusalem to Jericho take 6 hrs., the Jordan, I 1/2hr., the Dead Sea, 1 hr. 20 min., Mâr Sâbâ, 5 hrs., Jerusalem, 3 hrs. (or to Bethlehem, about 2 3/4 hrs.)- — Carriage Road from Jerusalem to Jericho (carr. in 5 hrs.)- Driving is practicable also to the Jordan and the Dead Sea, except in wet weather when the final stage becomes too soft. In this case, donkeys may be hired at Jericho. A Carriage for the whole trip costs 50-60 fr. — A small Steamer, belonging to the government, has recently been placed on the Dead Sea. — A visit to Mâr Sâbâ is possible for riders only (horse or donkey). Those who prefer to drive to Jericho should therefore combine the visit to Mâr Sâbâ with that to Bethlehem. — For this excursion the traveller must be provided with a guide from Abu Dîs. The right of escorting travellers is in the hands of the shêkh of this village. It is customary to pay the shêkh 1 mejîdi per day and to give the guide himself, if well- conducted, ½ - 1 mej. at the end of the journey. A letter of introduction for Mâr Sâbâ should be procured with the aid of the hotel-keeper, or consul, from the great Greek monastery at Jerusalem, as otherwise the traveller will not he admitted. — A Dragoman may be dispensed with on this tour by male travellers, as there is good accommodation at Jericho. The dragomans often make exorbitant demands, but one may generally be hired at a rate of 60 fr. for each of a party of several persons (on horse back) for the three days, unless tents are to be taken. — The circuit may be made in either direction. Owing to the heat of the climate in the valley of the Jordan, the excursion should be made as early in spring, or as late in autumn as possible. Travellers should not forget to take drinking water with them when visiting the Dead Sea.

  1. From Jerusalem to Jericho (6 hrs.). 

To Gethtemane, see p. 86. The road gradually ascends opposite the city to the top of the Bain el-Haw^, which commands a fine view of Jerusalem, and then bends to the E. Near this point the spot is shown (but only since the 15th cent.) where Judas is said to have hanged himself. The road skirts the S. slope of the Mount of Olives, passing the new slaughter-house. Here is shown the site of the fig-tree (Matt. xxi. 19) which was cursed by Christ.

In 40 min. after leaving Jerusalem we reach — Bethany. —

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