Sulphur Springs Station

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Sulphur Springs is commonly listed as a Pony Express Station. However, it could not have been one of the original stations built in the spring of 1860. In reviewing the literature, there is no mention of this station prior to the Overland Stage and Mail Express maps of 1863. Sulphur Springs was probably built in July of 1861 to facilitate the opening of the Overland Stage. Since it was on, or at least near, the Pony Express Route it was probably used as a way station for horse changes from the time of the station’s inception to the demise of the Pony. It was used as an Overland stop until 1869.

(Expedition Utah)

Many sources generally agree on the identity of Sulphur Springs as a station. However, a station probably did not exist at Sulphur Springs until July 1861, when the Overland Mail Company began running its stage through the area. The station may have served as a stop for the Pony Express during the last few months of the enterprise's existence. Ruins of a log wall, stone foundations, and pieces of various artifacts in an area near Sulphur Springs possibly served as the station site. There were still evident as late as 1979.


Shortly after noon we left Diamond Springs, and carried on for a stretch of seven miles to our lunching ground, a rushy water, black where it overlies mud, and bluish green where light gravel and shells form the bottom: the taste is sulphury, and it abounds in confervas and animalcule like leeches and little tadpoles. After playing a tidy bowie knife, we remounted, and passed over to the rough divide lying westward of Moonshine Valley. As night had closed in, we found some difficulty in choosing a camping place: at length we pitched upon a prairillon under the lee of a hill, where we had bunch grass and fuel, but no water. The wind blew sternly through the livelong night, and those who suffered from cramps in cold feet had little to do with the "sweet restorer, balmy sleep."

To Sheawit Creek, 10th October.
At 6 AM the mercury was sunk only to 29 F but the elevation and rapid evaporation, with the fierce gusty wind coursing through the kanyon, rendered the sensation of cold painful. As usual on these occasions, George, our chef, sensibly preferred standing over the fire, and enwrapping himself with smoke, to the inevitable exposure incurred while fetching a coffee pot or a tea kettle. A long divide, with many ascents and descents, at length placed in front of us a view of the normal distance - heaps of hills, white as bridal cakes, and nearer, a sand like plain, somewhat more yellow than the average of those salt bottoms: instinct told us that there lay the station house.
(The City of the Saints, p 481)

39.84228515625, -116.06506347656

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