February 20, 1870 Sunday

February 20 Sunday – Sam wrote from Buffalo to Joel Benton (1832-1911), former owner of the Amenia Times. Benton wanted to sell the Buffalo Express some European letters. Sam said the Express did not need European letters [MTL 4: 73-4]. Sam and Livy again teamed up on a letter written to Livy’s mother . Sam teased Livy about her cooking and housekeeping:

“Now this morning we had a mackerel fricasseed with pork & oysters, & I tell you it was a dish to stir the very depths of one’s benevolence. We saved every bit of it for the poor.” (Livy wrote “(False)” after “oysters.”) [MTL 4: 75]. NoteSam mentioned the Petroleum Nasby lecture as “the other day” (Feb. 18).

A statement from Buffalo Express Steam Printing House is in the MTP financials for 1870, with a balance brought forward of $1,009.59, interest $17.82, and an ending balance of $187.11. Payments were posted for various people, Gena Dakin, Lyman Beecher, etc., with several $50 payments made. The period covered was Sept. 25, 1870 to Feb. 20, 1871 [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.