June 1870

June  In the Galaxy for this monthMARK TWAIN’S MEMORANDA – Included:

“A Couple of Sad Experiences” – (includes The Petrified Man and My Famous Bloody Massacre)
“The Judge’s ‘Spirited Woman’”
“A Literary ‘Old Offender’ in Court with Suspicious Property in His Possession”
“Post-Mortem Poetry”
“Wit-Inspirations of the “Two-Year-Olds”
Short miscellaneous items: “Murphy,” “A Patriarch,” and “Lady Franklin” [Schmidt].

Note: Budd gives “Breaking it Gently” for this issue, first appeared without a title [“Collected” 1010].

June (either June 16 or 1221) Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Howland visited Sam and Livy in Buffalo. Howland was Sam’s mining partner in Aurora in 1862. Sam inscribed in Robert’s autograph book:

“In memory of old times in Esmeralda & Carson….when it was above ordinary to have dried apple pies on Sunday, & absolutely aristocratic to have canned peaches” [MTL 4: 147].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.