March 31, 1870 Thursday

Amendment XV

March 31 Thursday  Sam wrote from Buffalo to Charles Frederick Wingate (1848-1909), a New York correspondent of the Springfield, Mass. Republican. Sam sent a copy of a review of his book by David Gray of the Buffalo Courier, and criticized a patronizing review by the Nation [MTL 4: 102-3].

William (Will) Bowen wrote from St. Louis to Clemens:

Dr Sam

On arrival of Keokuk Packet I went on board (this morning) to meet Sallie Bowen and who do you suppose I met?

No less distinguished visitors, than “Kitty Hawkins” (Lauras Sister) and “Old Lucy Davis” for a more particular description of them, reference is hereby made to latter portion of Shakespears Seven Ages. Old Luce’ asked for you instanter! Said you were the worst Boy, “and I declare in my heart he’s the funniest man in my acquaintance” Wants to know if you still climb out on the roof of the house and jump from 3d story windows

Yours Ever / Bill

[MTPO]. Notes from source: Sallie was Sarah Ro Bards BowenCatherine (Kitty) Hawkins was the older sister of Annie Laura Hawkins FrazerLucy Davis was a Hannibal schoolteacher.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.