May 2, 1870 Monday 

May 2 Monday – In Buffalo, Sam wrote a short note to James Redpath about lecturing in Cambridge, New York:

Dear Redpath, / I mislaid the letter enquiring about Cambridge, N.Y., till this moment. It got mixed with my loose papers.

      They told me that the society I talked for was the leading [&] favorite. They half burned down the hall at 7 p.m., [&] yet at 8 had a full house though a mighty wet [&] smoky one. It was a bad night too.  Springfield Mo. /[Yrs] /Mark. [MTP, drop-in letters].

Elisha Bliss wrote to Sam

Friend Clements. / Enclosed please find Statement of sales, & Check for 3914.65 amount of copyright, which we trust will come safely to hand, & be satisfactory to you, & show you “we still live” We will at the end of the year give you a statement of every Book bound with report of what has been done with all. Every vol that we do not pay copyright on (i e Editors &c) so as to make it all plain & square with you. This is our style— Dont think your Galaxy articles hurt your reputation at all. it was good, capital capital I sent your Book to Mrs [Bart] Bowen Col. as you directed. Please acknowledge recpt of Check, & state how you feel as regards sales &c. Respects to Mrs. C / [MTPO].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.