December 1870

December  In the Galaxy for this month  MARK TWAIN’S MEMORANDA – Included:

“An Entertaining Article”
“History Repeats Itself”
“Running for Governor”
“The ‘Present’ Nuisance”
“Dogberry in Washington”
“My Watch – An Instructive Little Tale”
“Favors from Correspondents”
Short miscellaneous items – includes items on A Colt, Whitney, Brigham Young, Divorce, Epitaph, the Map, Art [Schmidt].

December ? – In Buffalo Clemens wrote to Francis P. Church of the Galaxy.

Leave the miner’s poem

& some other short thing

till Feb.

(Let this be added to “Sad Sad Business.”)

Originally I expected the present article to be only six lines long—a simple statement that that review was a burlesque on the London one, & that I was the culprit. But I ask the reader as a man & a brother if he could have the heart to demand that I leave this next paragraph out? It is from the regular Boston correspondence of the Northampton “Gazette:” [MTP]. Note: clipping not in file.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.