December 3, 1870 Saturday

December 3 Saturday  Sam’s article, “An Entertaining Article,” which also appeared in the December edition of the Galaxy, was re-printed in the Buffalo Express [McCullough 262]. The paper also ran a poem titled “Three Aces” over the pseudonym “Carl Byng.” When the poem was called Sam’s “weak imitation of Bret Harte,” it caused Sam some grief. (See Jan. 15, 1871 entry.)

Sam wrote from Buffalo to James Redpath about a scientific article by his partner, Josephus Larned. Sam asked about Tom Fitch’s progress on the lecture circuit [MTL 4: 266].

Elisha Bliss replied to the Dec. 1? from Clemens:

Friend Clemens, / “Little madam” is a brave one— What a magnet for the women you are— ‘From the North & the South the East & the West they come to do homage. Am looking for your brother daily. Have been in a stew—all day looking for a dispatch from you & none has come from you— Did my letter reach you—& have you replied?— Am anxious to hear, as I suppose the matter requires prompt action— Do you demur to my argument? Trust to hear from you soon—about it—& know how you feel— Hope you did not think me over sharp—now did you? / Let me hear from you if mine is not recd, telegraph [MTPO].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.