December 22, 1870 Thursday 

December 22 Thursday – Sam wrote from Buffalo to Elisha Bliss acknowledging receipt of the $1,500 for Riley and the S. African book. He also wrote about buying back his Jumping Frog copyright, and a proposed book of his sketches [MTL 4: 281]. Note: Slotta contends that Webb supplied Sam with fictitious sales numbers and printings for Jumping Frog, and that it was even briefly published as a paperback on May 8, 1867. (See A.D. notes AMT 2: 487 showing 4,076 books printed.) Since Sam never expected the book to sell, he swallowed Webb’s misrepresentations, and even paid him for the release of the copyright:

“I bought my Jumping Frog from Webb. —gave him what he owed me ($600.00), and $800 cash, & 300 remaining copies of the book, & also took $128 worth of free unprinted paper off his hands. I think of a Jumping Frog pamphlet (illustrated) for next Christmas—do you want it? Ys Ever Mark” [MTL 4: 281].

Isaac E. Sheldon wrote to Sam: “Your telegram just rec’d.” He offered publication details on the Burlesque Autobiography pamphlet/book [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.