December 28, 1870 Wednesday 

December 28 Wednesday – Elisha Bliss wrote to Sam.

Friend Clemens, / Yours of 22nd rec’d. Glad to hear you are progressing with the Books— I believe I wrote you I would copy this contract the next day after I wrote you & send you Well I think I did—not do as I agreed this time— The fact is I have been so busy with your brother &c getting things ready for paper &c I have not had a moment to do it— Have waited 2 or 3 days past to do it & send with this reply, & now dont send it. Well I will do it to night before I go to bed & also make out the contract for the Sketch book & send both tomorrows’ mail—but dare not delay writing you longer. Yes we will have Mullen illustrate the sketch book all right. Glad you have the Jumping Frog, in your own hands, but think he got the big end of a loaf.  He ought to have sold you the plates for what he owed you.

Dont you think Jumping Frog would be a big thing in the sketch book? Seems to me it will do you as much good there as anywhere & pay you best— Think strongly of it, & see if you dont think it will be best to put it in there— By the way where are the plates & dont you want the book sold as it is—think we could sell a good many without making a noise—if you dont put it in Sketch book— Yes we want it in the pamphlet, or at least talk it over with you before you let it go, if you use it this way. Are you coming on? Will canvass for Sketch book as soon as Prospectus is ready for it. Will send Contracts tomorrow. Excuse my past lies failures. / Truly/ Bliss [MTP]. Note: (Misdated Dec. 29.)

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.