November 20, 1871 Monday

November 20 Monday – Sam took the morning train from Hartford to New York, and made connections to Philadelphia [MTL 4: 493n8]. Sam lectured in the Academy of Music, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  “Artemus Ward.”

In Hartford, Livy wrote for Sam to Robert M. Howland at the St. Nicholas Hotel in NYC:

Dear Sir

Your letter of the 16th rec’d— Mr Clemens spent yesterday at home, but was too jaded out to write letters or do anything but try to get rested— He desired me to answer your letter for him—

I do not yet know when he is to lecture in Auburn as I have only his a list of his engagements through Nov.1 I shall probably have his Dec. list before very many days, if the Auburn appointment should be in that month if you will let me know where to address you, I will send you word—

I wish Mrs Howland was with you and you could come here and finish your Buffalo visit—I think with great pleasure of that day spent with us, and truly hope it is the first but far from the last visit that we may have together—

We are all well, our baby grows fat and hearty every day—

I wish that Mr Clemens was to be at home for two or three days while you are in New York, then perhaps you could find time to come and see us—

You and Mrs Howland shall have pictures of the baby and myself as soon as we have any taken— We are exceedingly obliged for yours, I think them very good indeed—

Please give my love to Mrs Howland when you write her, and express my wish to her that we may know each other better—

With the kindest regards

Your Truly

Mrs S. L. Clemens [MTPO].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.