August 18, 1876 Friday 

August 18 Friday – Ross R. Winans wrote to Sam; evidently Winans was at Newport when Sam and Livy vacationed there in 1875 and had been witnessed to Sam’s bowling prowess on an impossibly warped single lane with Higginson.  

[on Union League Club stationery, Madison ave & 26th St., N.Y.]

My Dear Mr. Clemens,

      I received your letter enclosing the photographs of your babies & handed them over to my sister. She was delighted with them & desired me to thank you.

      We miss you very much at Newport this summer. We have not so much as entered that bowling alley yet. I doubt very much whether your champion score has been beaten by anyone. From your description I should think you have lit up on a very pleasant summer residence [MTP]. Note: Winans was the son of Thomas DeKay Winans, and grandson of Ross Winan. See Aug 24, 1875 entry.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.